Choose Blue Select if you want savings along with access to our largest network of doctors, specialists, and hospitals. Blue Select offers two tiers of in-network benefits. You may choose from either tier, but for the highest quality and the most savings, choose from Tier 1.

Blue Select Offers
- Savings over Blue Advantage while still offering broad network access
- Two tiers of in-network benefits
- Copayments for predictable costs
- Limited pharmacy network to help save you money
- Providers located outside the state are included as Tier 1 providers through the BlueCard® network
How Tiers Work
- Tier 1 doctors and hospitals received our top ratings for quality outcomes, cost-efficiency, and accessibility.
- Tier 2 doctors and hospitals met our standards for quality outcomes, cost-efficiency, and/or accessibility.
Not Available In The Following Counties
Blue Select is available to most residents of North Carolina, except for these counties:
- Alamance
- Anson
- Cabarrus
- Caswell
- Cleveland
- Chatham
- Durham
- Franklin
- Gaston
- Johnston
- Lee
- Lincoln
- Mecklenburg
- Orange
- Person
- Rowan
- Stanly
- Union
- Wake
Out-of-Network (OON) deductible and OON out-of-pocket maximum (OOPM) are two times the in-network deductible and in-network OOPM. Member pays 30% more coinsurance when seeking services out of network – integrated prescription drug benefits subject to the same deductible & coinsurance as other medical services. Prescription drug deductible must be met before receiving benefits. Emergency room copay is $500 on Silver & Gold metallic copay plans and $300 on Platinum copay plans, and subject to deductible & coinsurance on Bronze and Catastrophic plans.