Medicare Supplement Plan in Greenville, NC

If you are located in Greenville, North Carolina and you are looking into getting more coverage for your current Medicare plan with a supplement plan, you’ve come to the right place. Here at The Mair Agency, we specialize in Medicare health insurance.

Greenville NC Medicare Supplement Plan insurance

We can help you navigate through Medigap policies and point you toward the right plan for you according to all your individual needs. We have worked with customers looking for A Medigap plan for decades. If you would like to learn more about Medicare supplement plans in NC, read on!

Are You Eligible for A Medicare Supplement Plan?

Not just anybody can get a Medigap plan in North Carolina. There are several criteria that have to be met in order to get access to a supplement plan.

You must be 65 or Older – You must already be enrolled in Medicare or at least be at the age of eligibility to get a Medigap plan

You must have Original Medicare – Medicare Parts A and B are required to get a Medicare supplement plan.

You must live in the state – If you are wanting to apply to a Medicare supplement plan in North Carolina, you must already live in the state before activating a plan.

These are just a few of the qualifications you must meet in order to receive a Medicare Supplement Plan in Greenville, NC. If you need help understanding all of the available plans and would like guidance through the process of choosing a plan, consider contacting The Mair Agency Today.

What are the Most Popular Medicare Supplement Plans in NC?

There are three Medigap plans that most of the NC population participate in. There were 2 million North Carolina residents enrolled in Medicare in 2021 and many of them chose to select a Medigap plan for additional coverage.

If you are wanting to add additional coverage to your current Medicare plan, you are probably wondering which plans are commonly purchased. Here are the top 3 plans that states are the most popular in North Carolina.

Plan F – This plan is the most popular of all Medigap plans in NC because of its comprehensive coverage. This plan covers the most out of all Medicare supplement plans but isn’t available to everyone.

Plan G – This plan is about as popular as plan F. The only difference is that Plan G is available to everyone and it doesn’t cover the Part B deductible.

Plan N – This plan is popular for its low rate increases and low premium price. Although it’s not as comprehensive as other plans, you get what you pay for.

If you are confused on which Medicare supplement plan you should get, find guidance at The Mair Agency. Our professional Medicare Agents have been helping our customers find the right plan for them for decades. Medicare can be difficult to navigate through and it really helps to have someone who knows what they’re talking about explain all the details to you.

Get A Medicare Supplement Plan in Greenville, NC

If you are currently living in Greenville, NC and would like some help getting a Medicare supplement plan, contact The Mair Agency Today! We have knowledgeable employees that can point you toward the plan that suits you best. We take all of your individual requirements and help you select the supplement plan that will have all of your needs covered and save you money in the long run.

Don’t hesitate to contact us right now for more information!

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Just awarded the #1 Medicare Agency by Blue Cross NC

We were contracted by Blue Cross NC in 1996 and quickly became an Exclusive Presidents Club Agency for them, maintaining this top producing agency level year after year. We are honored to receive the #1 Medicare Agency in North Carolina for two years in a row.

This award and acknowledgment requires much more than selling a product. This recognition requires our agency to exhibit unsurpassed customer service as well as provide advisors/agents that are consistently the most informed, educated and best support-arm for you, our clients.

We thank our existing clients for having the faith and trust in us that brought us to this achievement. For those of you approaching the need to now benefit from the Medicare you supported for many years with your tax dollars, and maybe some of you that wonder if you have made the best choices in the past, we welcome you to give The Mair Agency an opportunity to meet you. We will ensure you have complete knowledge of all your options and perhaps become a family member of the #1 agency in North Carolina with BlueCross and BlueShield.