Hearing exams and hearing aids are two important medical expenses. With regular hearing exams, you can uncover medical conditions, identify potential issues, and prevent further damage. Hearing aids can help improve your hearing and make it easier for you to communicate with others. Since hearing loss often comes with the natural process of aging, these are both essential.
If you’re interested in a Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Medicare Advantage HMO or PPO plan for 2020, you may be wondering whether hearing exams and hearing aids are covered. Here’s what you can expect:
Medicare-Covered Hearing Exam: These are exams that are performed to diagnose and treat issues that relate to hearing and balance. $50 copay $50 copay $50 copay $50 copay $40 copay $40 copay
Routine Hearing Exam: One per ear, per year and you are required to use TruHearing providers (In-network and out-of-network) $45 copay $45 copay $45 copay $45 copay $45 copay $45 copay
Hearing Aids: One per ear, per year and you are required to use TruHearing providers (In-network and out-of-network)
It’s essential to read the fine print and get a thorough understanding of what is in-network vs. out-of-network. The insurance experts here at The Mair Agency can help you figure out what is and is not covered in your particular 2021 Medicare Advantage plan.
With our help, you can avoid the unpleasant situation of going to get your ears checked and later discovering that you have to pay for your exam out-of-pocket. We’ll ensure you are well-versed in your plan and receive the coverage that makes the most sense for your lifestyle and budget.
We are pleased to offer a number of plans that can pay for hearing exams and aids so don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re here to answer all of your 2021 Medicare Advantage questions, regardless of where you live in North Carolina.